I had the distinct pleasure of getting Marcus Nelson, CEO of Addvocate.com, to set aside about 30 minutes to talk with me about some things.
We talked about the status of conferences (specifically social media ones), employee engagement, employee advocacy, social business, and some other stuff…I don’t even remember it all, it’s a big blur!
I hope you take some time out of your day to grab a pumpkin spice latte and give this episode a listen.
Today I talk with Abbey Dieteman. She tells us all about disaster response and the role of Social Media.
Mark Schaefer: author, blogger, podcaster, strategist, educator, and all around kick ass dude. In my opinion, Mark is one of the most insightful and...
We held up our lighters and Corey came back for another episode. So let’s call this part II and talk about some other areas...